Logistics Tools
Data2Connect℠ is our secure portal for interacting with both our Clients and their Carriers. In addition to providing access to Data2Resolve and Data2InformBI, this portal also provides a number of convenient tools for both Clients and Carriers, including:

Client Invoice Repair

Carrier Invoice Repair

Client Rules Viewer

Carrier Claims Management

Client Rates and Contract Management

Carrier Invoice Upload

Freight Bill Inquiry
Work smarter and save time with this secure, web-based tool, where you can electronically review, approve, reject, allocate, or modify exception invoices. It feeds you only the activity you need to view and efficiently routes exceptions to responsible parties. Data2Resolve℠ also lets clients type in short code when allocating charges and comment on rejected invoices, saving the time it would take for the carrier or D2L to ask for an explanation.
Data2Inform℠ is a single-source solution for shippers using any mode of transportation, anywhere in the world. This tool allows users to create reports on all kinds of data in any market.
Reach out to our Freight Audit and Payment team
We would love to provide actionable insights for your invoicing and shipment data.